Book of the Day: Pale Rider

Title: Pale Rider

Author: Laura Spinney

From the book: “The media clearly have a critical role to play in any future pandemics, and 1918 taught us a valuable lesson in this too: censorship and playing down the danger doesn’t work; relaying accurate information in an objective and timely fashion does. Information and engagement are the same thing, however. Even when people have the information they need to contain the disease they do not necessarily act on it.”

Takeaway: If you want to understand the direction we’re headed with the COVID-19 pandemic read this book. This historical reflection of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic is a chillingly accurate map for where we’re headed with the COVID-19 pandemic. We are each free to believe whatever we like, but the reality is the virus does not care about your beliefs.

Shop: Get your copy of Pale Rider here.

Jonathan J. Marcus