Quote of the Day — It All Starts with Culture

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“Culture drives expectations and beliefs; expectations and beliefs drive behavior; behavior drives habits; and habits create the future. It all starts with culture.” — John Gordon

Everyone creates your culture. Culture consists of the shared purpose, attitudes, values, goals, practices, behaviors, and habits that define a team. To be successful, a team needs everyone in sync, because everyone shapes the culture.

Leadership is a transfer of purpose, expectation, belief and attitude. Participation is the behavior and habit performed. Coaches may lead the way, but the athletes are the ones who must accept and participate in creating and sustaining a culture.

If you focus only on the fruit and ignore the root, the tree will die. Culture is the root and success is the fruit. Regardless of what the win-loss column reads, prioritize care for the root by focusing on your team’s culture, process, people, and purpose everyday. This will ensure, no matter the outcome of competitions, that you’ll always have an abundant supply of fruit to enjoy.

Any questions?  Direct Message me on twitter.
Thx. | jm

Jonathan J. Marcus