Book of the Day: How Bad Do You Want It?

Title: How Bad Do You Want It?

Author: Matt Fitzgerald

From the book: “The most gifted 0.001% of us have the same psychological vulnerabilities that the rest of us have, but they have overcome them to achieve things we mid-pack runners have not. Talent alone doesn’t cut it. One cannot improve as an endurance athlete except by changing one’s relationship with perception of effort.”

Takeaway: I think this is Matt’s best book. He does a very nice job of blending what current sports psychology best practices with the earned wisdom of coaches and runners — both modern and historical — to give a holistic snapshot of how runners can better approach the mental side of the sport. No doubt, there is still a lot to learn and understand in this field, but this book points us in the right direction.

Shop: Get your copy of How Bad Do You Want It? here.

Jonathan J. Marcus